Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing has its roots in an ancient Chinese therapy that has the same origins as Acupressure, Chi Massage, Acupuncture, the ancient Chinese Yoga called CHI KONG. The modern Pranic Healing therefore derives from ancient disciplines called “the healing Hand”, “the Buddha’s Palm” and the “Aura’s Trial”. The Pranic Healing is therefore an ancient science, but in its modern, evolved and updated is the work of the Chinese-Philippine Master CHOA KOK SUI who has the great merit of having wanted to spread the ancient Chinese healing arts with hands, making them simple and easily transferable.
Physical, emotional or mental disorders manifest themselves as alterations of the energy body. Pranic Healing is able to correct these imbalances by means of: energy diagnosis, removal of congested energies, projection of vital energy. The Pranic Healing also teaches how to increase the healing power, protect oneself from etheric contamination, strengthen physical, emotional, mental health and increase one’s personal power and vitality, prevent disease, materialize one’s goals, develop better sensitivity, compassion and inner peace, to accelerate one’s spiritual growth safely. Pranic Healing does not claim to replace medicine and ordinary medical therapies, rather it must be considered a natural technique, without danger, rebalancing and detoxification of vital energies.
The discipline includes techniques of meditation and manipulation of the prana or energetic body, based on the concept of prana, that is a supposed “breath of life” present in the Universe and in the human body and in all life forms; in particular, these techniques would allow to compensate for any imbalance of the prana within the energy body, absorbing the prana from the Universe.
Moreover this technique is applied on the electromagnetic field also known as aura, which contains the mold of the physical body. This plasmic body absorbs vital energy and distributes it to the organs and glands. By practicing Pranic Healing it is possible to realign the entire energy system, thus helping the biochemical activity of our body and accelerating self-healing abilities.
Duration of treatment: 30 min.
Contribution for treatment: € 70,00
- Buy or give this treatment, you have 12 months from the date of purchase to make use of it.
- The purchased treatment is nominative, therefore it can not be used by third parties.
- The treatment purchased can not be replaced with other treatments or services.