Betta- 40
Betta – 40
Good evening I wanted information on couple tantra massage more specifically exactly once the massage has been performed by the operators, can the couple remain alone to continue the massage and exchange effusions?
Hello Betta, at the end of each treatment, we always leave customers in the room to rest and enjoy a moment of relaxation, indeed it is not advisable to get up immediately after a tantric massage session, because the energy we are going to move is very strong, and c ‘it takes some time for the body and mind to find the right balance by going from the trance state that is found during the massage.
Alessandro-Sex Academy
Chiara 42 en
Chiara – 42
Hi, I wanted to know if nudity and erotic stimulation are also planned for the Californian massage.
Good morning Chiara, the Californian massage, like the Swedish one, is performed on a massage table, the person who will receive the treatment will wear disposable panties, in this type of massage there is no Yoni massage, as in Tantra or erotic massages.
Sara-Sex Academy
Laura 51
Laura – 51
Hello I wanted to know in which of your massages the yoni is included. Thank you
Hello Laura, the Yoni massage is always done in all Tantra and erotic treatments for women.
Elisa-Sex Academy