Bruno – 38 en

Bruno – 38
Hi everyone, I’m Bruno from Rome, I’m reading your forum with great interest, and I hope you can give me an answer to a problem I have with my wife Arianna; we have a ten-month-old baby girl, and since our birth in bed has changed, I read on the internet that the birth of a child in a couple can change a woman’s sex life, I also read about post-natal depression but I don’t think it’s our case, also because the desire to make love hasn’t failed, only that our relationships are now limited to oral sex and masturbation, talking about penetration has become impossible, Arianna tells me she doesn’t want to being penetrated, feeling pain and preferring to avoid. I wonder if this refusal is related to the birth of our daughter, and if after ten months from the birth she can have pains of this kind.

Hello Bruno and thank you for telling your story in our forum, surely many couples are in the same situation as you and I hope to be able to give them an adequate answer. The birth of a child is one of the first reasons for changing a sex life in a couple, the reasons are many, and range from the transformation of the body of a woman who may feel less attractive than before and therefore less desired to a third figure ‘inside of the family nucleus, which can lead to jealousy in man, since the companion dedicates all those attentions that were previously for the partner, now they are for the child, up to problems of post-natal depression, as you said . In your case, I understand that the loss of desire has not been lacking, but that your wife has pains during penetration; a possible dysfunction may be dyspareunia, or generalized pain after intercourse, also known as “painful coitus”, the possible causes may be either physical in nature, such as insufficient vaginal lubrication, infection or inflammation of the genital tract, but also lacerations due to childbirth or scars due to surgery. So the first step to take if you have not already done so, is that of a thorough gynecological examination to understand if the problem is physical; if this were not the case then we need to analyze the problem from a psychological point of view, in this case the reasons may be due to a couple conflict, or if his wife had a difficult pregnancy, the mere thought of being able to relive a traumatic and painful experience , prevents her from having complete relationships, a psychological defense mechanism to avoid another possible pregnancy. In this case I suggest you contact a therapist who can intervene under the psychological aspect and help you solve your problem.
Simone -Sex Academy

Bruno – 38 en2019-03-27T10:14:10+01:00

Livia – 42 en

Livia – 42
Good evening Sex Academy, I am Livia a lover of extreme sex, my husband and I practice bdsm sex and we love to play with whips and ropes, a few days ago he asked me to try figging, I read up on the internet and asked friends if they knew this game better, before trying, I would like to know if it is a safe practice and what are the steps to take to avoid possible problems. Thank you all and congratulations for the forum.

Good morning Livia, Figging, like all the extreme practices used in the BDSM context, always need foresight, and above all common sense. For those unfamiliar with this practice, Figging consists of introducing a ginger root into the anus; ginger creates an intense burning sensation, increasing blood circulation in the buttocks, so as to feel more pain if you are spanked or whipped. The advice I can give you is to peel and clean the ginger root well, to use a piece large enough to prevent it being sucked into the anus, a useful ploy is to tie a thread to the base, so that it can extract without problems; lastly I suggest you always use lubricant, I know very well that BDSM lovers will hate me for this, because the lubricant can reduce the burning effect that ginger releases, but for the first time it would not be wrong to use it. Have fun.
Patricia – Sex Academy

Livia – 42 en2019-03-27T10:16:52+01:00

Fabio – 34 en

Fabio – 34
Hola, ¿alguna vez has oído hablar del punto L para nosotros, hombres? He leído que es equivalente al punto femenino G, me gustaría saber si realmente existe y si es cierto que puede dar un fuerte orgasmo si se lo estimula, gracias.

Buenos días, Fabio, el punto L descubierto en 1989 por Elisabetta Leslie Leonelli, es más que un punto real en nuestro cuerpo, un área circunscrita en el perineo, por lo tanto, entre la base de los testículos y el ano, un área con muchas terminaciones nerviosas, que si se estimulan pueden conducir a una gran sensación de bienestar y placer. La estimulación del punto L puede ser manual, con presiones simples en el área perineal, oral o indirectamente a través de la vía anal y, en consecuencia, con la estimulación del punto P de la próstata, a través de un masaje de próstata.
Simone – Sex Academy

Fabio – 34 en2019-03-27T10:20:44+01:00

Francesca – 30 en

Francesca – 30
Hi Sex Academy, my name is Francesca, I have a problem with Luca, my boyfriend and I hope you can help me. Every time we make love it is a magic moment, there is always a lot of passion and understanding between us, only that after having finished everything vanishes, Luca transforms, all his attentions end abruptly, he always turns from other part and more often than not he falls asleep; I try in every way to get close, to hold it tight, I would like him to do the same with me, but it almost seems that I bother him, that all the love that was there before suddenly disappears, I feel frustrated by this situation, I believe that he is only interested in that, and you don’t feel real feelings for me. I would like to have your advice, and if a story like mine has already happened to you, thank you very much

Hi Francesca, thank you for writing us your story, obviously on the sentimental aspect I cannot pronounce myself, only you can know what your boyfriend feels about you, and if yours is a love story or a relationship based solely on sexual approach. That said, I can answer your question from a technical point of view; you must know that the sexual response in men and women is physiologically different, in fact in man immediately after reaching the highest point of the sexual response, that is orgasm, a refractory period begins, where there is a sudden libidinal lowering , a relaxation of the body and one enters a phase of rest, which can very easily lead to falling asleep; in this refractory period, any activity that can disturb the feeling of well-being and relaxation, creates discontent in the man; for this reason your boyfriend has this attitude towards you immediately after intercourse. This refractory period increases with age, a 20-year-old boy will have an active sexual response again after a few minutes unlike a 50-year-old man who will need more time. In women the sexual response after orgasm is completely different, in fact the refractory period can be minimal or not at all, for this reason a woman is able to have multiple consecutive orgasms, and if she were not so a woman needs that this phase is always accompanied slowly by cuddles and caresses. Unfortunately Francesca is not an isolated case, men should strive to accompany their partner to enjoy even the moments after orgasm, and women must accept the times of their partner, not confusing feelings with physiological aspects. I hope this explanation can help you later.

Fabio – Sex Academy

Francesca – 30 en2019-03-26T21:42:29+01:00


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