Carlo – 40

Carlo – 40
Hi … I wanted to ask you for advice. With my wife we often see films and for some time we have been imagining that we would do it in three. Given that it is an unknown world what do you recommend? Thanks for the reply

Good evening Carlo, thank you for writing in the forum, the question you asked us will certainly interest many people, as the desire to have a threesome with your partner and another person (man or woman) is one of the sexual fantasies more common among established couples, playing sexually with another person can very often help to rekindle a relationship that can be turned off over time, but can also create tensions or even breakups in the couple; the fundamental rule always remains the same, to always talk openly with your partner, establish basic rules to avoid creating jealousies, and always keep in mind that at that moment the third person does not represent anything other than a sex toys within the couple. Once this is established you just need to find the person who can satisfy your imagination, and believe me too; surely the internet and the various sites to meet people will be able to help you in finding people who have the same desire; otherwise if you want a more direct approach, you can always treat yourself to an evening in a private club where you can surely meet a person who wants to share this experience with you. The advice I can give you is to always proceed in stages, a sexual fantasy can turn out to be a good experience or a bad one, to avoid this always establish fundamental rules, like no kisses with the other person, or the first time no relationship penetrative but only touch-ups and oral games; in short, always proceed with caution, this will help you to acquire greater awareness and avoid unpleasant surprises to which you were not ready to face; always remember that all this is a game that serves to help you strengthen your relationship as a couple, and as such must remain.
Alessandro-Sex Academy

Carlo – 402019-03-26T21:31:49+01:00

Lori – 45

Lori – 45

Hi. I’ve never had a tantra. Is it better to have a female or male do the tantra to get the full effect?  After the tantra is done does it make things more pleasurable for the woman to enjoy sex better with her partner? I am planning on being in Rome next year would love to make an appointment. Thanks

Hello Lori, thank you for writing in the forum, the Tantra massage should always be performed by an operator of the opposite sex, in your case by a man, to always have an energetic balance between man and woman; surely after a Tantra treatment, the release of the Chakras and the achievement of a greater awareness of one’s own body and sexuality, our sexual life can only improve, opening ourselves to experiences and sensations that we did not feel before; for this reason we always recommend to make this route in pairs, so as to improve and raise the couple’s relationship.
Alessandro-Sex Academy

Lori – 452017-12-14T12:46:41+01:00

Giorgio 52

Giorgio – 52

Hi, I would like to do a tantra massage but it is the first time that I approach this type of massage. I wanted to know two things if they are always done in total nakedness, at least for the recipient, and if it is advisable to start with a basic tantric massage and then perform others such as kundalini or nuru for example. Thank you

Good morning Giorgio, all our massages, but in general Tantra massages are always performed in reciprocal nudity, in order not to create any energetic detachment between who receives it and who practices it; for people like you who want to start approaching this type of treatment, I always recommend starting a first treatment with the Tantra Kundalini massage, being the most complete massage, both energetic and emotional, and only later try different treatments.
Sara-Sex Academy

Giorgio 522019-03-26T21:39:05+01:00

Arianna – 29 en

Arianna – 29
Hello, my name is Arianna, I am twenty-nine years old and have been engaged for about a year, lately my boyfriend has confessed to me his desire to want to do anal sex, something I have never practiced before, a little for fear and maybe because I have never found the right person, I must admit that the idea excites me a lot, only that I fear that anal stimulation can make me bad jokes with unwanted spills. Thank you and I hope to receive good advice.

Hello Arianna, thank you for writing us here in our forum, your concern is completely normal, but the problem you exposed can be solved with simple tricks. Before practicing anal sex hygiene is essential, so a shower or bidet with intimate cleanser or mild soap is essential, I suggest you also clean the anal canal well, with the insertion of a finger, and then rinse well , so as to ensure greater cleanliness; this should be enough to have a good hygiene, otherwise you can use enemas to get a total cleaning and avoid unpleasant surprises; on the market you can find enemas of various types, from disposable ones available in the pharmacy, to diverters for showers for frequent use. Last trick, but perhaps the most important, is to practice anal sex away from meals and possibly go to the toilet beforehand, so as to avoid stimulation during intercourse. I hope I have answered your question fully.
Giulia -Sex Academy

Arianna – 29 en2019-03-27T09:52:01+01:00

Roberto – 34 en

Roberto – 34
Hi everyone, I’m Roberto and last week I bought an anal plug for my wife who found it fantastic, I was wondering if there are any anal sex toys specifically for us men, especially for the prostate, or if there isn’t difference with those for women. Thank you all.

Hello Roberto, thanks for contacting us; anal sex toys that you can find on the market can be used by women and men alike, as the anorectal anatomy of both sexes is almost identical, the important thing is to use objects designed for anal and non-vaginal stimulation, since all anal sex toys are designed to have a wider base or a particular shape that avoids the so-called suction with the contraction of the pelvic muscles, thus risking ending up in the emergency room. Some sex toys have a particular shape with the tip facing upwards, these are designed for stimulation of the prostate for men or the G-spot for women.
Giulia –Sex Academy

Roberto – 34 en2019-03-27T09:55:31+01:00

Serena – 49 en

Serena – 49
Hello sex academy, I wanted to congratulate you for the internet page, and for this forum on sexuality; my name is Serena and I have a problem with the son of my companion who is called Matteo and is 17 years old, I don’t know if you are able to give me some answers, but Matteo since he was a child who has feminine tendencies, and with growing are always increase, so much so that inside the house she puts on her clothes and dresses like a woman with my clothes; he only has female friends and doesn’t like going out with his schoolmates; he has recently confessed to us that he would like to be a drag queen when he grows up, so that he can feel free to dress every day as a woman. What once seemed to us an innocent game of a teenager, now starts to worry us, and we are deciding to go to a psychologist to show it. Thank you and I hope for your answer.

Hello Serena, thanks for the compliments and for having contacted us, responding to your problem without analyzing the case properly is not at all easy, from what you tell Matteo could suffer from a “DIG – Gender Identity Disorder”, which consists in identifying of the individual in the opposite sex to the biological one, something totally different from the homosexuality that regards the sexual orientation, in fact a subject that suffers from DIG can be heterosexual or bisexual. This mental disorder is quite rare, the estimates speak of about one man in thirty thousand and it manifests itself already from small to four to five years. The causes of this disorder are mainly due to problems of a psychological or educational nature that the child has already had as a child; some studies also trace this disorder to biological problems, such as the lack of androgens in the mother’s uterus during pregnancy. This disorder does not find a solution with drugs or special care, only with psychotherapy can this boy be helped to accept himself and his sexuality, possibly to remove a trauma from a child, and to elaborate a life project appropriate to his nature. I advise you to contact a specialist who will surely offer you a family therapy rather than an individual one, because in this case, Matthew, only feeling accepted by the family, can live a life without hiding and as normal as possible. The theme is quite complex and must be analyzed in detail, I hope I have given you a first answer to your question.
Fabio –Sex Academy

Serena – 49 en2019-03-27T09:58:18+01:00

Carlo – 19 en

Carlo – 19
Hi to all the forum, my friends and I often talk about penis size, especially when we find ourselves in the locker room after a football game, and every time a competition is born to those who have it bigger; I have a question to ask you, which I believe affects all men: what is the normal size of a penis? Thank you.

Hello Carlo, in fact your question I think concerns all men, who like you have at least once had the so-called “locker room syndrome”. First of all, there are no normal penis sizes, but as with the anthropometric measurements of a man, we can only rely on world statistics, which obviously change depending on the country; a bit like the stature of a man, we know that in some countries men are much higher than others. As for the size of the penis, the countries where men have a more developed organ are in central Africa and in South America, followed by Latin countries like Italy and France, and at the end of the ranking the eastern countries, like China and India. In Italy the average size varies between 12 and 16 cm. in length in an erect penis, with an average circumference of 12 cm. Thank you for contacting us.
Fabio -Sex Academy
Carlo – 19 en2019-03-27T10:01:34+01:00

Martina – 31 en

Martina – 31
Hi Sex Academy, I’m Martina and I’m writing to you from Bologna, I bought a latex dildo on the internet, and I used it only a few times, because using it always causes me a great burning sensation, I would like to ask you if you think it’s my problem of latex intolerance or I have to use special precautions.

Hello good morning Martina, latex, jelly or vinyl sex toys are certainly the best sellers, but at the same time the cheapest, unfortunately some of these objects can be produced with poor rubber latex, thus creating problems of irritation use; very often when you open the packaging of a latex dildo, and you notice a strong smell of plastic material, it means that the object is made with poor and even toxic products, or it could even be old, in fact the latex sex toys they have a limited duration in time, because with use the surface can deteriorate. What I recommend is to use a condom on the dildo, so you can immediately understand if you have a problem of latex intolerance, if not, then I suggest you buy a new dildo, possibly of a good brand, and guaranteed over time; I also want to remind you that latex and jelly rubber dildos are not compatible with oil-based lubricants.

Giulia -Sex Academy

Martina – 31 en2019-03-27T10:04:14+01:00

Daniela – 37 en

Daniela – 37
Good evening, my name is Daniela I am 37 years old and have been married to Gianni for 5 years, I have a problem that is ruining our relationship, we have a good sexual understanding, our sexual relationships are always very beautiful and enveloping, but I can never reach orgasm; the first few times I gave no weight and I started pretending so as not to ruin the agreement with Gianni, but years later things have not changed, on the contrary it seems to me that orgasm is something I will never be able to reach in my life, all this is becoming heartbreaking for our relationship and I would like to understand if this problem of mine is related to him, or if it is only mine. I have read about many girls who have the same problem and it is widespread, I would like to understand what to do, if sex therapy is needed, if there are any pharmacological remedies, I also read about the tantra that can solve this problem. I would like to receive information to understand what to do. Thanks Daniela.

Hi Daniela, thanks for writing and speaking freely about your problem. Unfortunately, anorgasmia is a very common sexual dysfunction in women, but also in men, certainly in small numbers. Anorgasmia, as the word itself says, is the inability to reach orgasm, so not to feel pleasure during a relationship, but simply not to reach the highest point of the sexual response which is orgasm. We in the Sex Academy always say that everyone is “Responsible for their own orgasm” and therefore the responsibility of their partner is very limited. From how you tell us it seems that you have trouble reaching orgasm forever, not only with your husband, but also alone with masturbation; if so, in this case we speak of Primary Anorgasmia, that is, always present, and not later than a particular event. The problems can be multiple and so also the solutions, this dysfunction is rarely organic in nature, but almost always psychological, due to a strict sexual education received, a trauma suffered, or simply the inability to let go, for fear of loss of control during sexual intercourse. There are many treatment therapies, Tantra as mentioned by you, it is one of the possible, perhaps the first that I would advise you to try, to become aware of your body, learn to relax with deep breathing and let yourself be abandoned in a tantric session can be an immediate solution to your problem. For any other questions you can contact us without any problem.
Giulia -Sex Academy

Daniela – 37 en2019-03-27T10:07:23+01:00

Federica – 34 en

Federica – 34

Hello to the whole Forum, I am writing to ask you for advice; for about a year I live with my boyfriend, and after a few months of living together our relationship has changed, unfortunately in negative. At home there is always a tension, and it also fights for small things; I have tried many times to talk to him and explain to him that this cannot go on and that all our dreams are fading away, even sex has been reduced to a minimum, a few times and above all without that passion that tied us for years. I asked him to be honest with me, if there was another woman in his life, but he keeps repeating that there is nothing and that everything is fine for him. I would like to try a couple therapy, but I wouldn’t know where to start and how to get him to help us before the relationship ends badly. I hope to get advice on what to do. Thanks again.

Good morning to you Federica, cohabitation is a demanding choice in a couple, and if managed incorrectly it can also lead to the breakup of the same. When it is decided to form a new family unit, different from the one of origin, it is necessary to reset the model and lifestyle adopted up to that time; choosing to share one’s life with another person means accepting and adapting to one’s way of doing and seeing things, having lived a life span following habits, consider that that way of life is the most correct, not admitting to yourself that there may be other possibilities and different ways of dealing with things, all this means that in an unconscious way one’s habits are imposed on the partner, who obviously does not understand these new rules, but ansi considers them an attack and imposing oneself to change one’s habits. We must always remember that women and men have a different way of communicating and facing life, thinking of changing a person is the mistake that everyone makes, in this case we should be more sincere with ourselves, select the really important things for us and discard the superfluous ones, which very often represent a cause for dispute; the work of change must be within us, only in this way can our partner respect us and automatically approach him during this phase of change. Verbal and non-verbal communication is the element on which you must begin to work seriously; couple therapy as in your case will help you a lot, you will learn to translate the language from masculine to feminine and vice versa, and to become aware that the path you have chosen to undertake is made of sacrifices and renunciations of the past, but can turn into a path much more satisfying and full of joys.
Giulia -Sex Academy

Federica – 34 en2019-03-27T10:10:21+01:00


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