Giovanni 55 en

Giovanni – 55

Hi, we’ve been living together for 15 years and we’re both mentally open. We practice nudism, whenever possible, we attend SPAs and saunas, but there is one thing that does not see us aligned. I would like to broaden our experiences and she is rather reluctant. I had thought of couple tantra, as a practice to softly introduce contact with other partners, both for her and for me. and also the fact of living together a new experience, where you get used to the fact that your partner has physical contact in total nakedness with another. I would also agree to do it initially only to you but I can’t convince you. What do you recommend?

Hello Giovanni, unfortunately there are not many suggestions to give you to help her in her problem, in a couple relationship, a fundamental thing is always dialogue and understanding, which obviously must be reciprocal, making new sexual experiences is fundamental within of a consolidated relationship, to improve and increase the affinities with one’s partner, this path of growth and discovery must always be undertaken together and in a conscious way; it is normal that a person can have more fantasies in experiencing new things and another less, dialogue remains the only way of confrontation between the two partners; the only thing we can advise you is to talk openly to your partner about her fantasies, to make her understand that what you would like to achieve is for the well-being of the couple and not only yours, you will see that if there is love and desire to go on and growing together, you will not encounter great difficulties in finding the right compromise to your every fantasy and desire.

Sara-Sex Academy

Giovanni 55 en2019-03-26T19:25:51+01:00

Martina – 35

Martina – 35

Hi, I read your forum and I would like to know your opinion about my situation. My partner and I have known each other for almost three years and we have a good sexual understanding. We experienced the tantra massage, which was a pleasant experience but I felt uncomfortable seeing my partner giving a lot of attention to the masseuse. Obviously I discussed it with him, and we no longer gave importance to the thing, but now he would like to experience the exchange experience in a club and frankly I am hesitant because it excites me but at the same time I am afraid of being jealous if he devotes attention to other people. How could I overcome this obstacle? Could it be that there is no more feeling on his part? I hope to receive an answer. Greetings, M.

Hi Martina, thank you for writing to us on our Forum, surely many people will be reflected in your situation. In a consolidated couple relationship, experimenting with new erotic fantasies can only help the couple always keep the fire of the passion that unites them alive, but often when these fantasies include other people you can create a state of jealousy, that is of insecurity it can create discomforts or even breakages within the couple itself. Seeing your partner give more “sexual and non-sexual” attention to another person, causes our figure to be put aside, in the background, and this failure to feel at the center of attention by our partner inevitably creates a sense of jealousy, and ideas between feelings and erotic play are confused. When a couple is consolidated all the decisions, even and especially those of a sexual nature must be taken together, every erotic game that one intends to do, must unite the couple more and not divide it, this happens when these decisions are taken unilaterally and the partner is dragged into things he wouldn’t want to do; in your specific case I advise you to talk openly with your partner about the discomfort you feel and that you would experience in a situation within a swinger club, and if you decide to try this new experience, to create rules to be respected for good of the couple; like for example the first time to go to a club and just watch, stay close together and once back home make love and fantasize about what you saw. A second time try the game of exhibitionism, that is, make love with your partner in front of other people, and a third time try to include other people in your games. All this must be a gradual path that increases your erotic fantasies, not creating breaks in the relationship; what you have to remember is that at the center of attention there is always you as a couple, like when you make love in private where you dedicate attention and pleasures, so it must also be in a different situation like in a local swinger; if you decide to do this and have relationships with other people, never make the mistake of not giving your best attention to your partner, while having a relationship with other people, always look in your eyes, always hold hands, always try to have a physical contact between you, pay more attention to yourself than to other people, consider the other couple as a sex toy, an erotic object for your pleasure, they will do the same with you. If you can both find the right harmony, this erotic fantasy can only strengthen your relationship, if on the contrary you behave like a selfish person in such a situation, giving priority to you and not to your partner, it will inevitably create an injury to the relationship.

Alessandro-Sex Academy

Martina – 352019-03-26T19:28:53+01:00

Enrico – 53

Enrico – 53

I would like to book a massage for my wife made by a masseur and by me in four hands, the desire is to approach a threesome in a soft way.

Hello Enrico, in our center we have thought of a treatment for couples who have the desire to rediscover the pleasure of touching and massaging each other; the massage is called Sensitive, and has the characteristic of being a 4-hand massage, which is performed together with a masseur.
Alessandro-Sex Academy

Enrico – 532019-03-26T20:59:34+01:00

Roberto – 46

Roberto – 46

I have been married for 20 years for about 10 years I would like to try new things from nudism to tantra massage to have threesome sex inserting a man into our couple but my wife doesn’t want to do anything, on the contrary she feels offended to tell the truth we did a nudist weekend , after the first day where she performed only topless and loincloth she let herself go doing the nude, it was three beautiful days this said by her but it didn’t happen again, another thing she gave me was made a tantrum by a woman but her words were, I felt her cold tits because she was remade, that she was good and delicate but that she was not excited at all, as I wanted, when instead, unbeknownst to her talking to the masseuse, I she said she was wet, another lie I was present at the massage to deny that the masseuse licked her big lips.

You understand that I also like to watch what you do in so many massages, but my greatest desire is to see her massaged first to make her melt and then see her having sex with the masseur or another man, one thing she always reaffirms is that she does not need to find such things in other men, I take it from her, that she would like to do only a private spa where she and I are naked and fucked, but there are some contradictions in what she says, denying things on the first tantra massage, being naked in the only nudist experience with a great desire to have sex at night, now that I insist on doing these things, he reiterates that the hands of another man disgust them but a massage of a normal couple where he would be massaged by man then yes, when on several occasions I have always told her how she wants the Tantra Masseur to have been dressed, and that maybe I would like to participate in the massage after a while, something that makes me strange and yet and he doesn’t want me to participate in the massage, which is why if he really has to do it, it must be a normal couple’s massage. Where do you think I’m wrong? And if you think like me that you may like things but don’t want to show it? What an idea you have had Thanks

Hello Roberto, what you wrote to us is not very different from what many people who come to do couple sex therapy tell us. After so many years of marriage it is normal to want to experiment new things in the sexual relationship, to sometimes rekindle the fire of passion, which almost always tends to fade with time. sexual understanding and complicity are the fundamental bases for being able to live one’s sex life in a free and satisfying way, unfortunately this does not always happen in a couple, many times a partner is more open to experimenting new things and the other not. The reasons are many and varied that vary from sex education that a person has received in life, to how he lived the sexual life until today, many people do not practice nudism because they do not consider their body pleasing, and therefore they feel ashamed to show it in nudity, and very often the mistake of imposing one’s sexual fantasies on one’s partner without really asking oneself what one might like and what not, and one ends up forcing intimate choices that certainly do not help the relationship. Undoubtedly every person, man or woman aspires to have a sex life as rewarding as possible, in order to grow together and share this journey, the only solution is sincere and constructive dialogue, starting from a common point and trying to build a sexual fantasy that is by mutual agreement. The changes in a couple, especially of a sexual nature, can strengthen the relationship if done in a common way, but can lead to a break when these choices are unique; very often they are afraid to change their habits, because the agreement between the partners is not so strong, and a wrong game could lead to a crisis, or simply choose not to experiment new things, because you have a sex life completely satisfied, that does not need changes. What I advise you is to talk openly with your wife, to find a common starting point, and to satisfy her fantasies; you will see that she too, rediscovering herself more as a woman, will have an interest in increasing her sex life.

Sara-Sex Academy

Roberto – 462019-03-26T21:02:33+01:00

Alessandro – 33

Alessandro – 33

Hi, my name is Alessandro and I am very fascinated by the disciplines of tantra. I discovered your site by accident, and I wanted to ask you: since I have a problem of premature ejaculation, certainly of a psychological nature, what do you think is the most suitable treatment to help me solve this aspect. Thank you

Hello Alessandro, premature ejaculation is a widespread disease, in Italy about 25% of men suffer from it, and almost always the reason is psychological, Tantra is a possible way to follow to solve this problem, especially if you suffers from performance anxiety in sexual intercourse; the Tantra Kundalini massage is the most indicated treatment for those suffering from premature ejaculation, but in order to fully solve the problem I also advise you to have a sex therapy session to better understand the nature of the pathology and find together the most suitable way to go to solve the problem.
Sara-Sex Academy

Alessandro – 332019-03-26T21:05:42+01:00

Pietro – 42

Pietro – 42

I have had problems with earliness and erectile dysfunction for some time now, which led me to unfinished fetishism. I found your studio by chance and wonder what you recommend, as all treatments seem interesting: a tantra bondage or a classic tantra, or something else?

Good morning Peter, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, are sexual dysfunctions that are often associated and can be the cause of the same problem, which may be of an organic nature, and in this case should do a medical check to accept this condition, or psychological nature, and then in this case the advice, a session of sex therapy, so you can understand the matrix of the problem, and find the best path to follow to solve it. Surely Tantra is a possible path, especially if the problem of premature ejaculation is linked to a state of anxiety or sexual performance.
Alessandro-Sex Academy

Pietro – 422019-03-26T21:09:35+01:00

Paolo e Marta

Paolo e Marta

Hi, we are a very close-knit couple to the point that after so many years we understand each other only by looking at each other. We are and always try to be very complicit as on this occasion. We had an interest in Tantra and after several researches on the internet and a meeting on the subject we decided to have this massage experience. But a doubt came to us. Whether to do it immediately together as a couple or to experience it first individually so knows how to discover a side not known to us. We would like your advice thanks.

Alessandro-Sex Academy

Paolo e Marta2019-03-26T21:12:50+01:00

Maurizio – 60

Maurizio – 60

Good morning Sex Academy I am a young single man 60 years old, lover of extreme sex that I recently discovered. I take pleasure in undergoing physical and psychological domination. In your center I had two tantrum bondage meetings and two bondage sessions where I let myself go without inhibitions and fears. I would like to know with regards to the practice of pissing that I have never experienced if there are no dangers for physical health since I am also quite hypochondriac.Thank you very much for your kind reply.

Hello Maurizio, pissing is a practice widely used in BDSM, and as such it is necessary to have various precautions so that it cannot create diseases and infections; in general, pissing is not a practice that can transmit diseases or infections to those who receive it, at least if the person who carries out this practice does not have diseases or infections in the urinary tract, which can be transmitted especially if you come into contact with the mucous membranes (mouth and eyes) or with wounds, in essence the risk may be the transmission of bacterial diseases. Viral diseases such as HIV are not transmitted by urine, as long as there is no blood in it.
Patricia-Sex Academy

Maurizio – 602019-03-26T21:15:38+01:00

Carlo – 40 b

Carlo – 40
Thanks Alessandro for the very professional answer. With my wife we are thinking of a couple’s massage, do you think it can help us to understand if we are ready for a threesome? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hi Carlo, surely a couple’s massage can be a first approach, to understand if within the couple jealousies can arise, or if instead you can create fantasies to open your relationship to another person, I suggest you try a Tantra Kundalini couples massage, which will help you relax your mind and body, and open your heart to a new form of sexuality, and sexual energy; when you have full awareness of your body and your relationship with your partner, then you are able to live a truly fulfilling sexuality, where every fantasy, every game, can only elevate your sexual and sentimental relationship; only then will you understand and appreciate that even introducing a third person into your sexual fantasy will never create any problems between you, but rather strengthen your sexual understanding, as your level of sexual awareness will be much more high of your imagination, and will never be able to reach you and create jealousy or break between you. Always remember, that the two of you are at the center of everything, the stronger your relationship will be and the more fantasies you can discover over time, which will have the sole purpose of improving your life.
Alessandro-Sex Academy

Carlo – 40 b2019-03-26T21:21:58+01:00

Massi – 52

Massi – 52
Good morning, I saw a Tantra massage course and I am thinking of participating, but coming to the course alone how does it work? not having a partner is possible?

Hello Massi, the Tantra Kundalini massage course is open to everyone, men and women, during the course you will learn all the maneuvers and the complete sequence to perform a Tantra massage, if you do not have the opportunity to participate with a partner, you will be assigned a partner with whom to try all the massage maneuvers, and vice versa the same student will try the massage on you, the purpose of the course is to acquire the best competence to carry out a Tantra treatment.
Sara-Sex Academy

Massi – 522019-03-26T21:24:51+01:00


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